Fool the Radiologist

Can you get fooled by AI-generated images?

This test puts you into the shoes of a radiologist looking at abdominal CT scans. However, some of these images were created by AI — are you able to tell apart real from fake?

Welcome to! With this online quiz you can test your ability to distinguish real from fake computer tomography (CT) scans.

You will be shown a total of 10 randomly sampled abdominal CT volumes* and for each volume you can decide if you think it is real or fake. But what exactly are “fake” scans you might ask? In this case they are medical CT images generated by AI, specifically a conditional denoising diffusion model (DDPM) that was trained using liver (tumor) CTs and their respective liver (tumor) segmentation masks.

At the end of the quiz, you will see how well you performed! Not happy with the result? Don’t worry, you can always retake the test, but be aware that with every new try, new CT scans will be randomly sampled from the data pool.

Have fun trying to beat AI!

*One volume consists of 32 slices of 512x512 pixel images